Bulk Buy

www.gearwholesale.com is our wholesale store. Welcome to check if you need buy bulk.

Latest News


  • 1. Price dropped for 100+ items.

    2. We do not ship to out of UK from today. Please kindly noted.


  • 1.TOY-48719 stock should come in one week.

    2.HBE-43585 stock arrived.


  • 1. HOM-38898~HOM-38901 HBE-46301 price dropped.

    2. Hot sale item HOM-47754 FLB-41982 HOM-35104 SPO-45131 SPO-45132 CAR-45077 HOM-44411 HOM-44412, stock arrived.


  • 1.HOM-41275 VVG-11444 discontinued for dropship.

    2.Price dropped for more than 50 items.


  • 1.TOY-35110 stock will come on on this Wednesday.

    2. New batch of stock will come on this Wednesday.


  • 1.SPO-37157 - SPO-37159 price drop, available to buy bulk and hold now.

    2. MEA-46230 sell by 1pcs again, availabel to buy bulk and hold.

    3. Price has been dropped for more than 70 items.


  • Good news! Price for EBC-48680 HOM-48731 HOM-48732 EHE-42478 HOM-47996 HOM-47526 HOM-48046 and some other items have been dropped today. 


  • 1.ETO-47262 stock should come this Friday.


  • Price dropped today for more than 20 items.


  • 1. TOY-48719 TOY-29560 HOM-17602 HOM-46372 price dropped.

    2. TOY-24534 HOM-38898 ~HOM-38901 HOM-46372 SPO-32278 MCH-29327 MCH-29326 stock should come tomorrow.

    3. MCH-29326 MCH-29327 price increased due to increased product cost and international shipping.


  • 1. HBE-46996 TOY-29560 price dropped.

    2. New batch of wireless earphone stock should come this Friday.


  • 1. HOM-46371 HBE-46996 TOY-48719 price dropped.


  • 1. TOY-48719 stock will arrive today. We will start to dispatch on coming Monday. New stock 48pcs only. More will come on 17th July.

    2. Shipping fee has adjusted for HS/ZE/BT/JE/GY when weight over 1kg.

    3. We will do our best to provide competitive price item.


  • 1.Special sale: price dropped for all items which weight over 1kg, hold orders available, max order 1pcs only.

    2.New batch coming stock have updated today.


  • Batch of new stock arrived today and need to manage them. We will start to arrange the new arrived stock dispaching tomorrow.